Tach Gayint is located roughly at 3000 meters above sea level. It’s very mountainous and the temperature ranges from 50s to 70s Fahrenheit. The Amhara population of the area is hard working, cultivating potatoes and barley on steep hills on land that is tired and barely productive. FH has been in
The workshop went well in spite of the fact that I sprained my ankle quite badly the first day when I misstepped in the dark into a ditch. I hobbled around on a cane for the rest of the week.
The staple food in Ethiopia is called injera. It looks likes a large pancake and it's made from slightly fermented grain (like sourdough). It's typically eaten off a common plate with sauces spread across the injera. A sign of Ethiopian hospitality is "gursha" - hand feeding your guests to encourage them to eat more in order to ensure they eat enough.I was fortunate to be able to do a little bit of tourism at the end of the workshop to the historical city of